How To Prepare For A Move

Set yourself up for a seamless, successful move.

Preparation and organization makes all the difference in alleviating stress when it comes to moving, We’ve put together our top tips to help you plan and prepare for your next move!


One of the most common mistakes we see when preparing for a move is diving into packing right away. We recommend decluttering first to ensure that you are only bringing the most important, useful and valuable belongings to your new home. Take the time to go through your items, sorting them in the following categories: Dispose, Donate, and Sell.


Packing is often seen as the most stressful part of the moving process but it doesn’t need to be! We recommend going room by room, making sure to label the side of your boxes, rather than the top, so that you'll still be able to identify the contents when the boxes are stacked on top of each other.

You will also want to pack an essentials bag or box to make things easier during your first few days at your new home. Items you should include:

  • New house keys

  • Credit cards/cash

  • Electronics and chargers

  • Paper supplies (toilet paper, towels, tissues)

  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, contacts, soap, etc.)

  • Scissors or box cutter

  • Bottled water

  • Snacks

  • Change of clothes

If you are looking for more packing hacks, check out this post!

Day Of: Before The Movers Arrive

Save time in your move by being ready to go before the movers arrive! Make sure all loose items that can fit in a box are boxed up and sealed with tape, so nothing gets left behind. Empty all drawers of dressers, tables, chests, and armoires to ensure they are easier for the movers to handle. And lastly, localize all boxes as close to a front door or entry point.


Proper preparation is key to making sure your moving day goes as smoothly as possible. Though it can seem overwhelming at first, creating an action plan for your move will ultimately save you time, money and stress. For more expert tips on all things moving, make sure to follow us on Instagram!


Reasons to Hire Professional Movers in Toronto


Moving Timeline